actual ownership meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "actual ownership" in a sentence
  • actual:    adj. 现实的,实际的,真实的,现行的,现在的。 in ...
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  1. Apart from actual ownership , an interest in real estate may consist of a lease , a mortgage , a lien or other encumbrance on the property
  2. A policy was established of leasing government - owned sites to private firms for a stipulated period of years , while actual ownership was reserved for the government
  3. As a kind of endogenic phenomenon of progressive reform , the reasons of financial dilemma lie in financial preference of nationalization and soft budget restriction of state - owned enterprises , asymmetric information and the rate which is not decided by market transaction , and the actual ownership - discrimination of stock market and bond market

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  3. actual outlay in Chinese
  4. actual output in Chinese
  5. actual output rating in Chinese
  6. actual oxtane value in Chinese
  7. actual pairing in Chinese
  8. actual parameter in Chinese
  9. actual parameter association in Chinese
  10. actual parameter display in Chinese
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